Evidential Mediumship Readings?

An evidential reading is the medium connecting the two worlds – the spirit world and you in the physical world. Those who have passed over in Spirit will have an opportunity to share their memories with you. You will receive evidence clarifying who they are and what they want to say to you. The reading is always about the need of the communicator (the person in Spirit). The Spirit world will always dictate who comes through. The sitter (you) needs to be open-minded about who is coming through to meet with you. But there will be enough information to recognize them. You have a scheduled date and time and prepaid for your session. You will receive a private Zoom link for your scheduled online session. Or you can schedule an in-person session in my office.

Areas that a Communicator can bring up during a reading:
Name – Job – Hobby – Object of Exchange – Unusual Passing – Place or Event - Memory – Personality of the Communicator – Habits of the Communicator

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Expect the reading to focus on the Spirit world and people you knew in this life who have passed over. People don't change after they pass away. They would be quiet in the Spirit world if they were quiet in life. There may be one communicator, or there might be several. Hopefully, you will hear from the person you most want to hear from. The Spirit world is in charge of who can come through.

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Open your Heart and Mind and think about who you want to hear from.
Don't be attached to a particular outcome.
Be realistic about your expectations and open to the potential of the information. You may not hear what you want, but you may hear what you need.

If you are interested in scheduling a Mediumship reading, Barbara is committed to providing a personalized and insightful experience. Rest assured that Barbara will conduct your Evidential Mediumship reading safely and confidentially.

Please get in touch with her to schedule your reading today.
Once you have scheduled a date and time and paid for your session, You will receive a private Zoom link for your scheduled online session. Or you can schedule an in-person session in Barbara's office. You may also select that your reading will happen via phone.

If your reading via Zoom or phone, please ensure that you are in a quiet space and will not be interrupted by any outside noise of people, pets, or electronic devices.
Please only provide information after the reading.

Your Mediumship reading is not about using crystal balls, candlelight, or doing séances. Readings can even seem ordinary at times. You can not demand who is coming through or who you want to connect with. That is always up to the control of the Spirit world.

"When someone is in your Heart,
they're never truly gone.
They can come back to you,
even at unlikely times."
- Mitch Alborn


Once you have scheduled a date and time and paid for your session, You will receive a private Zoom link for your scheduled online session. Or you can schedule an in-person session in Barbara's office. You may also select that your reading will happen via phone.

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